Fantasy Books

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-Miss H.


Anonymous said...

"Ahoy thar matey!" In How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long, Jeremy Jacob was at North beach doing one of his favorite activities, digging, when cranky old pirates sailed up. Braid Beard and the other pirates asked him to join their crew as a digger. So, adventurous Jeremy Jacob set aboard the old, rickety ship and learned everything there was to know about being a pirate. Jeremy Jacob learned all sorts of things like how to talk like a pirate and that pirates don't brush their nasty teeth. However, he quickly learned during a violent storm when the pirates ignored him, that being a pirate isn't everything it's cracked up to be.
This book was highly enjoyable to read. The good descriptions and colorful illustrations made it very interesting. Having actual "pirate speak" made it even more engaging. Plus, who hasn't dreamed at one time about being a pirate? This book would be perfect for anyone with a sense of adventure. The reader will agree with Jeremy Jacob when he said, "I wanted to be a pirate forever." Argg. Me too.

Miss Hoyle said...

Thank you for your comment about your fantasy book. I love pirate books too. You may want to try reading Peter and the Star Catchers as well.

-Miss H.